Dependent Origination is Buddha’s deepest teaching into the nature of reality, of the self, and of the path to liberation (nirvana).

Dependent Origination is Buddha’s deepest teaching into the nature of reality, of the self, and of the path to liberation (nirvana).
The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism is, simply put, the path to nirvāṇa. It is the teaching put into practice. To walk this path all the way is to reach awakening and liberation.
To hear these four truths, the Buddha said, is already the first step on a path that one day WILL bring you to becoming an awakened one, a Buddha, yourself.
Anattā, which many people translate as ‘the theory of no-self’ should more rightly be translated as ‘the no-theory of self’. To understand this teaching means to completely transform your outlook on the world in a way that is difficult to describe in words.
The Now is the axis around which all things with a beginning roll towards their end.
The Now is life, while all else are stories about life.
The Miracle of Mindfulness is a book I’d recommend anybody – interested in Buddhism or not. It’s a book more about living beautifully than it is about this spiritual teaching or that.