An essay on the religious aspect of money, man’s innate denial of death and quest for more life. Has gold replaced God in today’s society?
All posts in Essays
The Dark Psychology of Giving
Ernest Becker shows us the dark psychological roots of our desire to give and make gifts. Heroism and guilt form the psychology of gifts.
The No-Self Teaching Of The Buddha
Anattā, which many people translate as ‘the theory of no-self’ should more rightly be translated as ‘the no-theory of self’. To understand this teaching means to completely transform your outlook on the world in a way that is difficult to describe in words.
Iron Man / Hephaestus: An Archetype Of Trauma And Modernity
What does the story of the wounded craftsman tell us about our deepest insecurities? And how has our modern age given a new meaning to this timeless tale?
Lessons From The Occult Principles Of Magic
What have we got to learn from the ancient laws of magic in modern times? And what have we lost in our obsession with reason and understanding?
Religion As A Bridge To The Other Shore
Religion is our bridge between here and the distant shore. It orients us as we navigate the difficult gulf between our limited human experience and the landscape of ideals and values.
Interbeing – The Hidden Wisdom That Transforms Life
The Buddhist teaching of interbeing is one of the most transformative and creative insights on the spiritual journey.
This secret (or hidden) knowledge lets us approach life from an entirely new perspective and be more in tune with the deeper principles of reality.